My new accessory

Little Babycake has gotten big enough now that I often carry her around draped over one arm. When I’m around strangers, someone inevitably looks at me, gasps and says, “I thought that was a baby doll!”

So here she is: My latest accessory. I have my purse, my diaper bag and my baby doll:

Check out the smile on the doll baby:

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  1. Wow, and she has SHOES! Way too sophisticated for my baby accessory, who just wears footie sleepers every day of his existence. Granted, they are interesting footies with bears and giraffes and footballs on his tootsies but still…girls leave boys in the dust right from the beginning, I guess!Blessings, Holly

  2. Holly… trust me… those are her ONLY shoes! She only has them for her baby dedication, which is coming up in a few weeks. Gotta love that she still wears the newborn size! =]

  3. Thanks for all the nice comments. Now, if only my accessory wasn't so heavy and growing by the day. I'm starting to lean to one side from carrying her like that!

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