Finally! … or not…

If you missed the last post, “Live from Crazyville” you need to go back and read that one first…

So, a few weeks ago, we finally did it. After praying and thinking about this all summer, making mental lists of pros and cons, and studying my spreadsheet comparing the cost of every private Christian school within a 12-mile radius of our home, I sat down with my husband and gave him my financial worksheet on how we could make private school happen.

He is MUCH more practical, rational and even-tempered than I am, so he listened quietly and carefully. And then he agreed with me that this was going to work.

There is a school we have visited several times that we both agreed would be the best fit for all three of our kids and which best fits our values and educational philosophy. I e-mailed them, and they wrote back right away to say they had openings in first, third and fifth grades!

I got to work on the paperwork, which was quite labor intensive. I even made report cards for each of my kids since the administrator said we would need them even though we home school.

For a week, I drove to the school at least once a day. It’s almost exactly 12 miles from our house. That seems far, but our old school was 9 miles away, so an extra three miles didn’t seem that bad. I tried every route (without speeding this time). My fastest time was 24 minutes.

OK. In this area, that really isn’t that bad of a commute. We could do it.

But for some reason, I was just not fully confident it was the right choice. I felt a little sick to my stomach. On the day we left for our vacation to the Smoky Mountains, I finished all of the paperwork and asked my husband if it was OK with him if I mailed it. He asked me if we could wait a few more days.

I packed up the big white envelope and tried to keep it neat and clean during our long drive down to Tennessee.

And then you won’t believe what happened…

(This is taking me a while to write, but the answer is coming soon.)


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  1. You CANNOT stop there. Oh. My. No matter what you are about to tell me, I am happy for you either way. My true desire is for every parent to be happy with their child's education, no matter where it is. 🙂

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