
Fresh start

I love a new year. I think for most people, the new year gives us a blank slate. I guess it’s the idea of hitting the reset button. No matter how great or how challenging life was the previous year, a new year gives me the feeling I get a second chance. A fresh start.
One of the toughest things for me about January is the winter. I really, really do not like cold weather. I often feel like I “waste” a good chunk of my life just waiting for the temperature to warm up so I can get outside and enjoy life! That is one of the first things I’m planning to change about this year.
I started off my New Year’s Day by bundling up in my snow pants, hat, gloves and scarf and taking a walk, despite the 21 degree temp, swirling snow and blowing wind. I took my camera along to look for some images out in the wintery wonderland. And at the last minute, the hubs announced that he was coming along.
That two-mile walk through the snowy streets was a bit symbolic of some of the changes I hope to make this year.
I plan to spend more time enjoying the moments. Being with the people I love. Soaking in the time.
I’m going to be focusing a little more on my health. Walk more. Move more. Drink more water.
Be braver. I’ve noticed this past year that I’ve had a greater fear of failure than usual. I’m going to be trying some new things, and I’m getting excited about it!
Do something creative everyday. My soul longs to be creative. Whether it’s taking a photo or doodling or making labels for my organization projects or playing with washi tape or redesigning my blog or writing on my blog, I love it all. I plan to make time to do one thing creative everyday.
Breathe more. I plan to worry less about what other people might think, and focus more on becoming the unique person I was created to be. We each have unique talents and abilities that make us who we are. I want to discover more of mine and use them to do what God put me on this earth to do.
How about you? What’s on your blank slate for 2014?

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  1. Love this, Em! I’m planning to focus more on improving my drawing skills this year. I’m right there with you on the idea of being creative!

  2. This is so great to read!!! This year, I need to trust in God’s timing & not get impatient. We’ve got gargantuan purchases on the horizon (replacing 1 or both gulp cars & buying a house here) in the next 12-15 months, and sitting back & waiting on His timing has NEVER been my strong suit. 😉

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