Oh, boy! Oh, girl! Oh, my! Oh, wow!
When my daughter was about 2 years old, she used to roam around the house, looking for something. Then she would walk up to me, shrug her shoulders, raise her hands and ask, “Where my sista?”
Oh, my sweet girl. She did this so many times, and it broke my heart every time.
I am blessed with two wonderful sisters, and I couldn’t imagine my daughter going through her entire life without one of God’s greatest gifts. A sister.
Well, today was the big day. It was the day the whole family has been anticipating for 20 weeks. My ultrasound. Oh… if this is news to you, you better go here real quick and get caught up. Don’t worry. I’ll wait.
Everyone in the family has had a very strong hunch that we were having a girl.
“Alayna HAS to have a sister!” even the boys would say.
But what if it wasn’t?
“God knows exactly what baby our family needs and he is going to give it to us,” I told the kids — and myself — 100 times.
I could barely sleep last night with anticipation. When the ultrasound tech gave us the news, I couldn’t hold back my tears.
It’s amazing enough that my 40-year-old body is the home to a growing, thriving baby! But how much more can God bless us that the heart, the lungs, the brain, the spine, the bones all appear to be perfect?!
And, it’s a girl.
A G-I-R-L!
Of course, we all would have loved a boy just as much. With all three of my other children, I truly did not even have a preference going into the 20-week ultrasound. But I am so thankful to be able to give Alayna a sister.
She even spread out her fingers to give us a wave. I’m already having proud mommy moments since the doctor said it’s rare for a baby to do that in utero.
And then she posed to show us her footprints:
I am so amazed. So blessed. So thankful. So happy. Thank you, God, for such an amazing gift!
Now, there’s a new question coming out of my daughter’s mouth:
“When will my sister come out?”
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She looks just like you!!!:)Lynn
Pretty amazing!
you, go, G-I-R-L!!!!! Yippee, Alayna!! That's the fun news you needed!!
Ok, after 15 min. trying to figure out "how" to post a comment (hmmm,….how 'bout hit the words "post a comment" Lis? : ) I am officially making my first blog response!!! God putting a little girl inside of you, and a sister for Alayna, has driven me from "lurking status"! : ) Praise God! That is the sweetest news and I am thrilled with you!!! : ) Now,…"publish your comment", right? : )
We could not be happier! Yeah! We can't wait!
Nothing compares to these moments…cherish them, lean in to them…and your family will be complete…God is SO good!!! And, He is faithful…You are exactly right: there's nothing like having a sister, unless you get to 'raise up sisters'!!! enjoy the ride!
Thanks y'all for the encouragement! And thanks to all my facebook friends for your nice comments over there.Lynn… do all ultrasound pics look alike? because I feel like I DO see some resemblance to all of my kids' ultrasound pics! =]Lis… thanks for coming out of the closet to comment. hee hee! =]Marsha… I hadn't even thought of what it will be like to RAISE sisters! Oh my! You definitely have had fun with it!
I am so very happy for you, Emily! Coming from a mother of 2 boys and 2 girls, it doesn't get much better than this!
So exciting! God does know best. I had my heart set on a girl and when the ultrasound revealed a boy, honestly? I was disappointed for a day or so. But now, I can't even imagine not being a mommy to a little boy. I adore my little boy and he's perfect for me. The only time I'm a little wistful is when I see all those adorable little girl clothes at TJMaxx.Wishing you a safe and easy delivery and happy healthy baby
Of course she is a girl. I had no doubt. God always gives us what we need, and sometimes He gives us what our hearts desire. I knew He would do that this time. That's the God He is.CONGRATULATIONS!
Congrats Emily! How awesome for you! You have the perfect family!! You are truly blessed!All the best…Laurel
I could not be any happier for you, Em!!!Love, Brother Al
Congratulations!!!! Truly exciting news for all of you. God's creation is amazing, isn't it?Praying blessings for you today!
Hi,Emily,As one of the sisters mentioned above, I can't imagine life without you either. I remember so clearly waking up one day when I was 8 to find out that I had a new baby sister–you. You've been such a blessing to our family. The Wilkersons would definitely have not been complete without #4.Welcome to the 2 boys and 2 girls club. I can't imagine a more delightful combination!
CONGRATULATIONS on your little princess!!! I love, love, love ultrasound pictures. They are just amazing, aren't they?
How exciting! Congrats! Can't wait to see that new little sister!
Just read this. Amazing stuff.