Our next subject is history. This is probably the favorite of everyone in the family.
We are starting with the middle ages this year, which means we get a daily dose of knights, castles and vikings, and spend lots of time thinking about Iceland, Greenland, Norway and England.
We read from three different history books, but before you get too impressed, let me admit that our history curriculum this year is much easier than last year’s. Although we did love Story of the World last year, we are all happier with our lighter approach to history this year. I think we are learning just as much, but the reading is broken down into bite-sized pieces that make it seem much easier to swallow. Also, two of our books are loaded with pictures, which the kids absolutely love.
Just to add some fun to our reading, I try to read the stories in the accent of the people group we are studying. Let me tell you, it’s not always easy to switch from the Eskimos of Newfoundland to the Vikings of Greenland and then over to castle life in England. However, I do my best. Sometimes the kids beg me to do the accents, and other days they beg me to stop.
We also have a read-aloud book that usually corresponds to whatever we are studying in history. Right now, we are reading Robin Hood, which has been a blast. I honestly don’t know if I have ever read Robin Hood up until now. (Don’t tell my boys, but I’m secretly with them when they beg me each day to keep reading! I wish that’s all we had to accomplish in a day!)

We will read more than a dozen read alouds this school year. The kids are holding the ones we have finished so far.
Each day, we also alternate between reading a story from Aesop’s Fables and a poetry book called, Cornstalks, a Bushel of Poems. My oldest son absolutely loves Aesop’s Fables. He loves any stories involving animals, and he can’t get enough of this book. He equally dislikes the poetry book and begs me to skip it, which, of course, only makes me want to read it in a funny accent.
After that, it’s time for science. We are studying Biology this year. So far, we have learned about cells, animal kingdoms and the unique characteristics of lots of different animals. Later in the year, we will build a miniature greenhouse and grow beans and radishes.

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School at the 'everyday' mom house looks like a lot of fun!Great job!Laurel
Yeah!!! So excited to see this. Can't wait to read the rest.