
As much as I dislike winter, I am really looking forward to some snow. I love taking my camera with me when I go for walks, but today I was starting to get frustrated with all of the BROWN surrounding me in every direction. I’m actually craving a little WHITE just to give a fresh appearance to the landscape.
I definitely can’t complain about going for a walk on a 32 degree day on Jan. 2. Instead of being annoyed by the BROWN, I decided to look for what beauty I could find in the colorless landscape. Look at all of those brown birds hiding in those brown branches!
I didn’t even notice when I took this photo that one of the birds was RED! I was searching for that Cardinal and didn’t even realize I had taken his photo.
So. Much. Brown.
It’s quite a change from how our world looked last year!
Today, I seemed to be the only thing around with just a little bit of color!
After I got home from my walk, I did a little research on how to attract that Cardinal to my yard. I’m going to need something that’s a little more colorful to keep my camera occupied all winter! 🙂 I hope your day is full of color. But if not, go look for some beauty in the BROWN!

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One Comment

  1. At least you can see the textures in the browns? (That’s my attempt at a bright side, b/c if I’m honest, there’s little brightness for me under 65°!)

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