How do you spell MISSISSIPPI?
We are looking forward to Friday when our classes resume at our home-school co-op. For the first time, I will be teaching two classes at co-op.
One of my classes is called “All in the Rhythm.” I am going to teach lots of hand-clapping rhymes, like Miss Mary Mack, as well as jumping rope. I have two different DVDs with hand-clapping, rope-jumping moves, rhymes and songs.
As I’ve been preparing, the kids have really been getting into it. They have contests daily to see who can jump the longest. They also are learning all the words to songs like, “A, My Name is Alice” and “How Do You Spell MISSISSIPPI?”
Of course, Jayda has to get in on the action. She either wraps the rope around her head like a necklace or bobs her body along with the songs. We have to constantly watch her because she gets so tangled up in the ropes!