New girl room
This is how Matthew kept his room most of the time.
When Andrew was almost 2, I painted this room. I literally drew and then cut out the stencils of the vehicles that are on the walls. It took me about six hours to hand paint those vehicles on EACH wall.
Let’s just say it took me a few years to get to the point that I was OK with sanding and painting over the walls in this room. Well, 10 years. I also created a stencil to paint that wavy road around the room.
AFTER: This room was the largest of the kids’ bedrooms, so we moved the two girls in here. This gives them a lot more space than they had in the 10×10 room they were sharing before.
It was so fun to swap out the storage bins in the primary colors for the ones in pink and white. It was even more fun to fill them with baby dolls, purses, Barbies and all things girly-girl!
I thought the rock star theme that Alayna chose was great for her personality. We bought this decals and had a great time working together to stick them on the walls.
I love the pink curtains.
We had a blast picking out everything for the room. It so nice to have it cleaned and organized now so the kids can put everything away!