Top 10 reasons I read blogs

I remember the first time I heard about blogging a few years ago. My reaction was: “WHY would ANYONE want to publish their journal online, for EVERYONE to READ?!?!”

Then, a couple of years ago, I started hearing various friends talk about their blogs, and I got curious about this whole world of which I had no part. It’s been almost a year now since I started writing here on a regular basis (and actually told anyone my blog existed) and blogging is now a part of my day-to-day existence.

Like lots of other mommy bloggers, I sometimes get in conversations about what makes bloggers successful. How do they attract readers? And how do they keep them?

A lot of people really believe that you have to find a niche if you want to develop a readership. I like to believe that content is king. The blogs that provide quality content and update it consistently will eventually find readers.

I decided to think about it in a different way. Why do I take the time to read about other people’s lives? So, I made a list.

Here are my Top 10 reasons that I read blogs:

1. Friends. My first stop in BloggyLand is to visit my friends and find out what they have been up to. I’ve listed many of them in the section on the left called, “The Bloggy People I Really Know”. While it’s fun to talk to friends in real life, I find that people express things differently in a written format. I know I do!

2. People going through extreme life challenges. Some of my friends have had some unbelievable trials, like Tyson, Terra and Gretta. Reading their blogs is a good way to know how I can pray for them and also get the latest updates.

3. Bloggers I don’t know in real life, but with whom I can relate. Jane Anne has a son with a severe peanut allergy. Jenny loves to ride her bike. Missy has four kids under the age of 6, plus she’s hilarious! I don’t know any of these people, but they often make me smile because I can connect with their lives.

4. People with good ideas. Kristen has some great do-it-yourself tips, and her Works For Me Wednesday is always full of great links! Bake at 350 gives some amazing ideas for making cute cookies for every occassion.

5. Bloggers that write about the business of blogging or design or photography or something along those lines. I especially like CopyBlogger, Musings of a Housewife (writes about real life, as well as blogging and design), Chatting at the Sky (inspirational, plus great photography) and Life with My 3 Boybarians (writes about blogging, photography and homeschooling).

6. Writers who make me laugh. I enjoy reading Big Mama and Boo Mama because they usually make me smile. However, I would like to add here, that it’s OK to be serious. When people are funny day after day, it makes me wonder if their life is really so perfect? I don’t mind to hear about the difficult times, too! That way I don’t feel so bad that other people’s lives are so darned hilarious!

7. Writers who can really write. If you haven’t read Antique Mommy, you have to check her out. She has a great way with words.

8. My addiction. LOST. Need I say more?

9. And most importantly, blogs that inspire me to be a better person than I am today. Lysa TerKeurst is great at doing that in a way that still is fun to read.

10. And then there’s everydayMOM because, you know, I crack myself up. (And I couldn’t think of a No. 10.)

So what blogs do YOU like to read and WHY?! I really want to know! I would love to check out your suggestions!

I’m linking up with another blogger on my fun list, Oh Amanda, and her Top 10 Tuesday. Check her out for some other great Top 10 lists today!

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  1. You're so right! Blogging opens up a whole new world of friends—people like you, unlike you, to learn from, to laugh at..I mean with, and of course, to gush about LOST with. (That's how we met, right?):)

  2. What a lovely list. So true.And then the remarkable thing about meeting bloggers in real life – all of these people "get" this space and you don't have to feel bizarre for loving blogs, Twitter, etc. That was one of the things that was so powerful about being at BlogHer this year! -Christine

  3. I am all about blogs! I must check at least 50 each week…which is honestly a little scary 🙂 I definitely need to start my own! For now, I just compulsively tweet.I actually just found a cool program called Shop Star that you can link up to blogs to make a little extra $$. Something you might want to look into. The link is here:

  4. I am on your list of people you really know!!!!!!!! I have made it to a list! I am so excited I could poop. I read your blog because I really know you and it amuses me. I like to see how much we have in common that I wouldn't expect. I want to get better content in my blog, but I think mine is really just a day to day ongoings one so it doesn't really draw people in unless they know me.

  5. I always look forward to yours because it's real and funny and open. You get me thinking about things and aren't afraid to include God in what you have to say. Thanks for blogging.

  6. Yep, you're right, my friends' blogs are the top of my list. I love people that are very personal and powerful in their writing. Eugene Cho of Beauty & Depravity is one of those – he's very personal but also writes random fun things. I actually struggle to find blogs I can relate to, because there are SO many mommy blogs out there and I am not yet a mom. Seems the young-married blog market is a little lacking!

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