Walk. Sunlight. Breathe. Change. Marsh. Yellow. Glow. Green. Smell. Maple. Red. Reflection. Fall. Follow my blog with Bloglovin
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Walk. Sunlight. Breathe. Change. Marsh. Yellow. Glow. Green. Smell. Maple. Red. Reflection. Fall. Follow my blog with Bloglovin
The moon is making me crazy. You might remember reading back in June, this post about how I became fascinated with the moon. It probably sounded like one of my fads. Just a momentary interest that I would quickly forget. Like leg warmers or acid wash jeans, I would be all over it for a…
I love getting the family together in the fall and going somewhere beautiful to take our family photos. The kids? Well, not so much. One of the reason our family photo shoots are typically not super enjoyable is that I insist on trying to take our photos with the timer and the tripod. I’m sure…
Some people gotta learn the hard way, and I guess I’m the kinda girl who has to find out for myself… In one sense, that is pretty much the theme song of my life. OK… not in the way the song writer meant it. But when it comes to learning pretty much anything, I’m the…
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the moon lately. It all started about a week ago when my husband and I read about the Super Moon. Last Saturday night, the moon would be closer to the Earth than usual, making it appear much larger than normal. It also was going to be a…
There have been several days this year that we have gotten up for school and looked outside to see the pouring rain. “Is school cancelled, Mom?” my oldest son always asks. “Of course, not!” I reply. “They don’t cancel school because of rain!” He always walks away indignant. After home schooling the past three years,…
On Wednesday, we had one of those fall days that was just so perfect in every way it demanded that you drop everything on the to-do list and head outside. The toddler and I had a few errands to run after dropping the kids at school, and then we headed straight for the Arboretum. It…
If you are my friend on Facebook, then you know already that I have been spending a lot of time working on my photography skills lately. I am that annoying person who posts about 5 million photos a day on Facebook! I have been working a lot on using the manual setting on my camera….