paying for compliments {how-to instructions}

“Mom, I like you because you are creative, funny and beautiful.”


I will admit that many times I come up with parenting ideas that sound life-changing, but I am only able to implement them for two days before I get lazy and give up.


“Mom, I like you because you play games with me, and you are nice.”


But this one idea has stuck. And let me tell you, it brightens my morning on a regular basis.


“Mom, I like you because you are smart.”


I created chore charts for my kids. One of their chores is to give each member of the family a compliment. They also have to hug their mom and dad.


“Mom, I like you because… because… I love you mom.”


They each get paid 5 cents per chore. And it’s worth every penny.

Here’s how I made the chore charts for my kids.
You’ll need:

12×12 cardstock

cute printer paper (I bought mine at Jo-Ann’s Fabrics)

Self-seal laminating sheets

Print out the words and grid for your chore chart on the decorative paper. Cut the cardstock to the size of the laminating sheets. Center the decorative paper on the cardstock and glue to hold in place.

Use the self-laminating sheets to hold it all together. Put magnet strips on the back if you want to place the chore chart on your refrigerator.

Our charts have the child’s name at the top: “Emily’s Chores” with clip art of a stick figure to represent that child.

Currently, our chores are:
Clean room
Make bed
Laundry in basket
Set table
(Clear) Dishes from table
Pick up outside
Pick up towels
Hug Mom and Dad
Give compliments
Plus one empty space for an extra chore that rotates each week. These include: Bathroom cleaner, Laundry helper and Kitchen helper.

I have used other chore charts in the past, but I like making my own because I can create new ones if I want to update the chores to fit our family.

Kids can use a dry erase marker to mark off the chores they have completed. I pay them 5 cents per chore at the end of the week. I think the most they could earn is $3 if they did every chore every day.

I started asking my kids to do their chores when they were about 3, but they were really able to do them on their own when they were 4. Would you believe that my kids actually race to do their chores each morning? They even compete to set the table first so they can mark off that chore.

I also have used the same template to make similar charts for homework or other projects.

Do you have a tip that gets your week off to a great start, brings peace to the household or is just an awesome idea? Please share! I would love to hear your ideas to make your home a happier place.


This idea works for me! For more great ideas, check out Works for Me Wednesday over at We are THAT Family.

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  1. I love the chore charts. My kids would rip them to shreds. It's too late for me! Tell all of your friends with young'uns to make their children do their chores!!!:)Lynn

  2. My works for me Wednesday was chore charts too! But mine were for me since I don't have kids…but my mom used to make us do summer chores when we were home…I think it builds character! lol

  3. Man oh man, I LOVE your parenting perspective. 🙂 You make me want to have kids RIGHT NOW. Hahaha I'm gonna have to wait a while for that yet, but I hope by the time I start having them, you've written a book. I have dibs on an autographed copy please!

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