We need a middle name

So, this is completely weird and out of character for our family.

We usually don’t tell anyone the potential names of our unborn children. In fact, we have been known to wait several days after birth to announce the child’s name.

With this baby, I have been telling people her name since we found out she was joining our family. If you haven’t read the story of the first name, you can click here to catch up.

I think we have pretty much settled on the first name, although we could always pull a surprise switcher-oo at the last minute.

I usually don’t want to be swayed by public opinion about a baby’s name. But we can’t seem to make up our minds about the middle name. So, I created a poll over there in the right sidebar. I would love to hear your opinion.

Please keep in mind that our last name is one syllable and it starts with an “N”.

We have narrowed the choices to these:

Jayda Lynn: the name flows, and it would remind us of a great friend. Hey Lynn, didn’t we pledge to name our firstborns EmilLynn back in high school?
Jayda Lynnae: adds a little twist to the more traditional name, Lynn.
Jayda Grace: I love names that have a meaningful origin. This one refers to God’s grace or an undeserved gift.
Jayda Karis: This is the phonetic spelling of Charis, which is the Greek word for Grace. I like the meaning, which adds an unusual twist to one of the most common middle names.
Jayda Nicole: Just sounds nice.
Jayda Noelle: Noel, of course, refers to Christmas. She will be born Dec. 3.

So, vote early and vote often. I can’t wait to hear what you think! You can leave any other opinions in the comments section.

I think you have to become a follower before you can vote. Click on “sign in as a follower” below the poll. You can vote more than once if you are as indecisive as we are.

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  1. I like them….I see where you are having problems they are all really cute names. My name being Lynn I of course think that sounds like a great middle name. (My daughter is Emily):) I also just like the name Noelle. My daughter has a friend by that name and she is a sweet girl. Good luck. Baby naming is soooo fun!

  2. Yippee..I finally figured out how to make a comment and become an official "follower"! Well, please disregard my email earlier! I had obviously NOT read your blog yet! My favorite here is Jayda Noelle…very sweet, feminine sound to it and appropriate for a Christmas Baby :). That reminds me…we must talk computers when we finally get together…remind me!! (cuz I'll forget in between now and then!)

  3. I tried to vote & couldn't. I love Jayda Noelle. My sister's name is Jada & growing up nobody had that name. Now it's becoming more popular. Great choice. I always wanted to have a girl around Christmas so I could name her Noelle. There, you have my vote.

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