Bottle caps, weddings and cartoons

I’ve been checking off my list of big events that need to happen before Baby can be born in 19 days.

Last night was one of the bigger ones. The ladies at my home-school co-op put together a shopping night to raise money to pay our facility fee.

I made a decision earlier this year that I needed to reduce my stress level during this last trimester, and that meant not doing parties and events with my Discovery Toys business. But I made this exception to support my co-op. It was a lot of fun, but my body is telling me this morning that I made the right choice about taking it easy this fall.

I’ve been stressing the past few weeks that I might a.) go into labor before the event, or b.) get the flu. What a relief that everything went well, and I was healthy! Plus, it was a lot of fun!

CapableDad headed to the airport early this morning for his last China trip before Due Date. And I’m struggling a bit to be thankful, especially since our anniversary is tomorrow.

But in the spirit of Big Bird, here are a few things for which I am thankful because they make me smile:

* Tyson and Katie are getting married today! This is such an amazing story of how only God can make beauty from ashes. We are so happy for them AND TJ who gets a new mommy today.

* One of the vendors at our shopping night last night makes necklace charms from bottle caps and dominoes. I was hooked.

I spent some time during my insomnia last night checking out craft sites with how-to instructions. A trip to Michael’s might be on the agenda today.

* I was cracking up last night reading this post about poor Ken who got a slug in his pants.

* And I can’t stop thinking about onions. Hmmm. I can’t stand the smell of onions. Would it be worth it to sleep with one?

Oh, and I leave you with a math problem. Three children + one dad heading to airport + one very tired mom + one unborn baby who needs to remain unborn for at least one more week = six hours of cartoons really wouldn’t be THAT bad, would it?

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  1. Sorry your man is gone. Cartoons and maybe even some Sesame Street on You Tube. Just keep those kids happy so mommy can rest!Thanks for all the links lately! I love linking back and forth.

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