Sorting and second chances

As part of my job, I get to work on images for the sermons at our church. Our upcoming sermon series is called Foundations, and we decided to go with a Lego theme throughout the series. You can see what I mean by clicking here.

So, I have been consumed with Lego the past few weeks. I’ve been building Lego structures and laying on my stomach on the front patio taking photos of them. It’s funny how my subject matter doesn’t move and yet it takes me a while to get the perfect shot! ;0

Anyway, I also have been trying to get my hands on hundreds of pieces of Lego. This process has reaffirmed what I already knew… that there are a few products in this country that are in great demand. People will pay what they are asked to pay, regardless of the real cost to produce the product.

These products rarely go on sale. They don’t have to! Apple products are like that these days. The Wii is another example. And Lego.

Did you know it costs 26 cents a piece to buy pick-a-brick Lego in bulk from the Lego store? Of course, there are other ways to get Lego in bulk through eBay and other sources.

On Sunday, a very kind person at our church noticed our Lego theme and asked if she could donate a massive Lego collection she had at her house. We are talking about thousands of pieces of Lego!

Now, I love to sort. It’s kind of an odd hobby of mine. I love puzzles and parts and pieces. And sorting is definitely right down my alley.

But this was a challenge. Where does one even begin? Before long, I had our categories. Vehicle parts. People and accessories. Slanted pieces. Flat pieces. Odd shapes. Standard Lego bricks.

After a few hours of sorting on my own, the kids joined me. It was hilarious to see them get my system and start shouting, “I have an arm and a pirate’s hat!” Or “I have a weird shape!”

We sorted until our fingers hurt. Who knew that sorting Lego could make us so tired!

It was kind of funny how our perspective changed during this process. When I was searching high and low for Lego at a good price, it seemed like such a valuable commodity. I was ready to put down a lot of money to get the Lego I needed.

But when I had massive quantities in front of me… more shapes and parts and pieces than I could ever use… it started to lose its value.

We thought of the little boy who once played with the Lego collection many times during the process. We wondered what the parts had been when they were put together? We wondered what he was trying to create with some neat projects that were still constructed. We talked about his imagination and personality.

Well, I’m glad we get to use that little boy’s Lego collection. It’s almost all sorted now. That massive box that seemed like a random heap of discarded toys will now be put to use.

It didn’t seem so valuable in a material sense as it would have it we had purchased it new. Instead, it had a different kind of value. It was fun to breathe new life into that old Lego and give it a second chance.


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