
Family photo shoot

I love getting the family together in the fall and going somewhere beautiful to take our family photos.
The kids? Well, not so much. One of the reason our family photo shoots are typically not super enjoyable is that I insist on trying to take our photos with the timer and the tripod.
I’m sure you know the drill. Get everyone perfectly positioned. Set the timer. Mom runs around from behind the camera, plants a big smile on her face and tries to stop sweating before the timer stops beeping.

This year, it was such a joy that my dear friend, Beth, was willing to snap some photos for us. Beth and I have lots in common, but one of our biggest shared interests is photography. We have both been diving into the world of photography big time during the last year. She is super talented and takes some absolutely amazing photos, which you can check out on her blog.

We were so blessed that she was willing to give up part of her Saturday to go to one of our favorite places, Cantigny gardens, and take these photos. I think we chose THE most popular weekend of the year to take our photos at Cantigny because we practically had to wait in line at each of the preferred photo spots behind families and wedding parties all vying for the perfect backdrop. The tripod/running method would NOT have been popular if I had attempted to do these on my own!

I’ve taken so many photos of other families this past year, that I could barely believe it when I took my camera home and imported all of the photos. There WE were! Beth did such a great job!
We had a few minutes of good light left after the family photos, so I snapped some shots of just the kids. Yay! Fall photos are done, and without nearly as much stress as years past. 🙂


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  1. These are stunning!!!!! I love that they are so fall, but not ĂĽber-predictable orange & gold, you know? Love the cool, crisp tones!!!

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