
Look at me! I decorated my house!

At the risk of sounding like a complete dork, I am now going to write a blog post about how I decorated my house for Valentine’s Day. This might sound like a normal, no-big-deal, just gettin’ ready for February activity around your place. But over here, people are walking around, shaking their heads, saying, “Mom! What is going on?!”

Up until we moved out here “to the prairie” (as we like to say ’round these parts), my idea of seasonal decor consisted of putting up a Christmas tree on Nov. 27, slapping a wreath on the door and a nativity scene on the table, and then putting it all back away on Dec. 26. That was it. A year’s worth of seasonal decor came and went in one short month.

But since we moved out here, I’ve noticed some strange changes in myself. First, this former bird HATER has started putting out bird feeders. I actually get excited and text my husband when a cardinal is sitting on the back deck.

Second, I’ve been trying to add some seasonal decor. It all started on 4th of July when I spray painted those cans in red, white and blue. Then, there was Thanksgiving, when I made my husband cut tree logs so I could use them as candle holders. The Thanksgiving decorations evolved into Christmas decor, and by mid-January, I was finding myself too sad to put things away. Our house was going to look so bleak and barren with NO seasonal decor.

Well, I’m not much of a Valentine’s Day person. And most people know that I despise the color red. I don’t wear any clothing that’s red, not even in support of my kids’ sports teams. I don’t even like to be NEAR red. So I couldn’t really think of a good way to decorate for a made-up holiday that centers around the color red.

Then I had the idea that maybe I could decorate without going all red and pink. I saw an idea to wrap letters in yarn, and before I knew it, I was spending hours wrapping these mongo L-O-V-E letters with yarn colors that gave a slight hint at Valentine’s Day, but still matched the rest of my house. The big cardboard letters just happened to be half off at Hobby Lobby, so I knew this project was meant to be. And when I say I wrapped them for hours, I mean hours. And hours. I pretty much watched an entire season of “Once Upon a Time” while wrapping these letters. But really, no matter how much you despise V-Day, you have to admit that LOVE is an awesome thing!


Next, I saw a super cute idea for a pallet sign on Facebook. I way simplified the idea and cut out a template on my silhouette to make this sign that says, “Love never fails.” People. You are probably thinking I’m the kind of girl who has wrapped cardboard letters in yarn or spray painted a pallet sign many times before. Untrue!


I do enjoy painting walls, and hanging a bit of art that I find premade at the store. But I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve done a DIY home decor project. Look how cute my view is now when I look out my window while washing dishes! I spend a LOT of time looking out this window, so this is really making me smile.


Are you ready for part 3 of The Great Valentine’s Day Decorating Project? I still needed a bit more decor to take the place of all of the greenery and pinecones that where all over the place for Christmas. So I came up with the idea to wrap foam balls in twine to make faux Pottery Barn decorating balls.
Look at this! I wrapped foam balls in twine!!! I did this. By myself!


As a final touch to my non-red Valentine’s decorating project, I found these cute little hearts at Michael’s. (They are 40 percent off this week!) They had them in burlap and white. I used them to update my Christmas centerpiece to be a little bit more Valentine’s Day. (Just ignore the remnants of greenery that I failed to clean before taking the photo.) Pretty cute, huh?


I also added them to the candle tray in my dining room. I heart those little burlap hearts.


There you have it! I decorated my house. My family is in awe. And I’m already starting to plan for my spring decor! (Hint: It will involve birds.)
So, tell me… Do you change out your decor for each season?

I’m linking up this post with The Party Bunch

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    1. Thanks, Kelly! That means a lot coming from you! You are such an amazing decorator. You have no idea how many times I wished you were here to give me some advice!

  1. Still slappin’ up that tree and wreath and they are already gone. Love what you have done! And happy that you are loving the birds!

    1. Lynn, you are smart! I’ve given in to the lures of Pinterest, making me think I need a new mantel for every holiday. ๐Ÿ™‚ Plus, I didn’t have a mantel before so it’s added some new pressure to do something with it!

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