one year

I’ve been talking about my birthday for so many days, I really do think it should be over by now! So this will be the last birthday post for at least another year, I promise! Seriously though, I feel extremely blessed with each birthday and the opportunity to celebrate another year of life. It’s kind of amazing how much can happen in a year, so I thought I would look back at all that I’ve learned since this time a year ago.
Last April, I learned that life can change very quickly! Remember when we put our house on the market and it sold in one day? And then we found our new house and made an offer one week later? Whoa.
In May, I learned that we could live with almost nothing in our house. We slept without beds for 15 days!
I also learned that I can live without sugar! I went almost six weeks without it!
In June, I learned that I don’t want to move again for a very long time.
And we also learned that doing the right thing is always worth it!
In July, I learned how to make a layered drink
IMG_4569AND a rainbow cake…
Yes, this IS important information!!
In August, I learned that weeds can become trees. And I also found out you can decide to send your kid to public school with only a few days’ notice! It doesn’t matter how late you are. They will still let you in.
In September, I found out that you’re never too old for camo pants. Or maybe you are?
And in October, I learned that if you want to change the world, you have to start by changing yourself. I got to go to the Catalyst conference and heard many amazing speakers, including this guy and this woman.
I also learned that you can write your own story at the Storyline conference. Don’t you love Donald Miller? (Check out his book, “Scary Close” to understand the reference for the picture.)
In November, I learned that teenagers often get a bad rap. Our oldest turned 14, and I have to say that teens are a ton of fun.
In December, I learned how to play Settlers of Catan. We played every day of Christmas break and kept playing through January and into February. We taught friends to play. We got competitive. Yeah. We played a ton of “Settlers.” Or is it “Catan?”
In January, I realized that wrapping things in yarn is very relaxing.
In February, I discovered that I get a lot more done if a cute chart is involved.
In March, I found out that 63 days is the magic number. Especially if you want to be UNSTOPPABLE.
(You can click all of those highlighted links if you have no clue what I’m talking about!)
How about you? What is something fun you have learned in the past year?

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  1. Carolyn, Donald Miller started the Storyline conference as a result of that book! After realizing that his “real” life was too boring to be a movie, he set out to write a better story. If the conference comes back here, you should go!

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