
A few months ago, I was at a party where we were playing one of those “get-to-know-you” question games. We all had to answer the question: “If you could eat one food everyday without worrying about calories or health issues or feeling guilty what would it be?” We went around the table and people gave answers like “steak,” “pizza” or “Portillo’s chocolate cake.”
My answer was a little different: Starbuck’s cafe mocha.
There aren’t that many foods that I would want to eat every day. And I usually don’t feel that guilty about indulging in any one particular food. But I would love to be able to drink a cafe mocha guilt free. Ahhh… those 450 calories of sugar and caffeine flowing into my body is one of my favorite treats.
In fact, if I had to choose between eating all of my daily calories and drinking them, I would probably choose to drink them. Drinking sugary drinks is definitely my downfall, and I’ve let it get way out of control the past few months. Whether it’s Starbucks, a Coke or sweet tea, I’ve pretty much become a hummingbird — drinking my weight daily in sugar.
I had been thinking about making a change for a while. Threatening myself, I guess you could say. But on Monday, I got up and just did it. I didn’t scoop any sugar into my tea. I didn’t go through Starbucks. I didn’t drink a Coke. I didn’t completely give up sugar in every form, but I did avoid putting sugar in any food or eating any desserts.
Day One went great. (Of COURSE, I created a 63 day chart to help me!) 🙂 Day Two I had an unbelievable headache, but I was much more prepared this time than last year when I gave up sugar. I had a fridge stocked with healthy food and I made sure I didn’t let myself get too hungry. That is always when I reach for a quick sugar fix.
Today, I decided to add some fun drink options to my fridge to keep going in the right direction.
I made these jars of water, and they are SOOOOO delicious! I seriously can’t stop drinking! I made a few different flavors so I would have plenty to share with my daughters, who also love stuff like this.
(No, I’m not keeping them outside… But it made a pretty photo!)
The three kinds of water I made so far are:
cucumber and lemon juice
and watermelon and mint
Ahhh… water tastes great!

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One Comment

  1. Sugary drinks are MY fave treat, too!!! At Sbux: 7-pump no-water chai tea latte, and at my bubble tea place: almond milk tea with ginger, tapioca, & agar jelly = MY MOST BELOVED CALORIE SOURCES!!!
    But I do love your infused waters! If I’m not drinking my beloveds, I’m drinking water. I gave up all soda, and I’m not a juice person.

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