My word for 2021: Wholehearted

One of the life lessons I was reminded of frequently in 2020 is that we all have the power to choose our attitude regardless of our circumstances. We can spend our time complaining about our situation. We can long for the past or sit around just waiting for things to change. Or we can choose to live wholeheartedly in the present.

With these thoughts in mind, I chose the word “wholehearted” as my word of the year for 2021. My process for choosing a word that would be my focus for the year was a little different this time around. First, I thought of four “themes” that I wanted to make part of my life in the new year:

Live bravely
Love intentionally
Create courageously and
Grow gracefully

I was discussing these themes with my friend, Lara, and she mentioned that one of her themes for the year was “wholehearted living.” The more I thought about the word “wholehearted,” the more I loved it. And it seemed to encompass the four themes I had already chosen. So, big thanks to Lara for inspiring my word of the year (and for letting me steal it!).

I will be sharing more about my four themes and some ideas I have to put this all into practice.

Did you choose a word of the year? I would love to hear about it!


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