Controlling what I can control and….

For the last two months, I feel like my life has revolved around one thing: getting ready to go to Africa.

I’ve researched and tested high-protein snacks and dehydrated foods that only require hot water to reheat. I’ve shopped for light-weight clothing that will fit into the cultural norms. I’ve worked with my team to complete big fall projects that need to be done before we depart.

Once I placed every conceivable Amazon order for items like a neck pillow, a portable hot water heater, durable walking sandals and much more, I’ve turned my attention to forms of preparation that you could easily argue weren’t necessary. As is often the case, I can adjust my preparation to the amount of time allotted.


Last weekend, I channeled my nervous energy into making clothing. I taught myself how to use a sewing machine and created my own patterns to make homemade skirts from fabric I brought back from Africa 30 years ago.

I gathered my coworkers around at lunchtime to make beaded bracelets we can give to our team members in Ghana.

Doing all of this prep work almost nonstop has helped me focus my nervous energy and convince my brain that as long as I’m doing SOMETHING that somehow that will make the trip go well.

Basically, I’ve tried to control all of the things I CAN control.


With only one night left before we leave, I know the things that really matter are still beyond what any of my preparation can solve:

✈️ I can’t control whether our plane will fly safely across the ocean, and I can’t control the safety of other drivers on the unpaved roads we’ll travel in remote areas of Ghana.

🍚 I can’t control whether I will eat something that will make me sick or whether I pick up an illness that could take down my weak immune system.

🛌 I can’t control whether I will be able to get enough sleep or how I will function in the extreme heat in the north part of Ghana. The weather report is projecting a “real feel” temperature of 112 degrees with 87 percent humidity…. But no worries, because the “real feel” temperature in the shade will only be 107! (We’re not in Phoenix anymore, friends! This is NOT a dry heat!)


Thankfully, I can’t control any of those things and it’s not up to me to even try. I know God has put this trip together, and I can trust Him to work out all of the details.

I’m really not good at letting go of control, which is why it’s so great to be in a situation like this one! There’s absolutely nothing else I can do to prepare myself but to trust in God to do the hard stuff.

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

I’ve been feeling really good the past week or so physically and my anxiety has subsided. I feel like I’ve been slowly creeping to the top of a roller coaster, and now it’s time to sit back and go for a ride.

Let’s gooooooo!


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