
We have been so sad this weekend, thinking about our friends who had to say good-bye to their sister-in-law. She defeated a long battle with cancer and is now rejoicing in heaven. But for those left behind, it’s so hard to understand. Why would a mom have to leave her husband and children, who are…


For the past few days, when I wake up in the morning or the middle of the night, one person immediately comes to mind. I’ve only met her once. It was brief. Really just a “hello” in passing. And yet I’ve been thinking about her constantly. She’s the sister-in-law of a friend. She has been…

I know what you’re trying to do, and you’re not going to fool me!

Despite the fact I woke up at 5 a.m. this morning, I still found myself running around like a crazy woman at 9:15, shouting, “Has ANYONE seen my Hannah Montana wig?!?” You see it was Crazy Hair Day at our home school co-op. And I had spent so much time blow-drying, applying green hair coloring…

Signs of fall…

We enjoyed our first field trip today with our home school co-op… We visited an apple orchard… We picked and picked and picked… Then we peeled and cored and sliced… and ate… The day was perfect… so we bought our fall mums… And then we visited the hiking trails at Hidden Oak Nature Center… We…