steel-her heart

I thought that after that bombshell I dropped on y’all yesterday, that maybe today would be a good day to write about nail polish.

But if you did miss yesterday’s post, it might be a good idea to go get caught up. Otherwise, you’re going to be a little confused when I bring up weird stuff like why I’m eating a chicken pot pie at 9:30 p.m. Which I am. And it is so good.

Nail polish.

OK, it’s sad to say, but until about five years ago, I had never even stepped foot inside a spa. Never had a massage. Or a pedicure. Definitely no manicures for me. I grew up in a small town where we went to the beauty parlor to get our hair cut and permed. And that was it.

About five years ago, my sales director with Discovery Toys invited me to hang out at a spa for a day with her and a bunch of other leaders as a Christmas gift. I was a little apprehensive at first, but after a few hours, I was hooked. Eating snacks all day. Chatting with friends. And getting spa treatments.

Hello, dear Day Spa? Where have you been all my life?

A few years later, I promoted to Sales Director, too, and started hosting spa days for the ladies I worked with. I even earned the amazing reward a few years ago of flying on a private jet to an exclusive spa in California to be pampered for three days.

I went from never-had-a-pedicure to Little Miss addicted to mud wraps, hot stone massages, chocolate scrubs and paraffin wax treatments.

But still, I see going to the spa as purely a social experience. I don’t ever go by myself. I love hanging out and getting pedicures with friends.

I love a pedicure, but for the most part, I paint my nails myself. Which finally brings me to the point of this post… nail COLOR!

I love seeing how different people choose completely different colors of nail polish. What does your color choice say about you?

My friend with the sweet, quiet spirit chose the lightest color of pink on the shelf. The girl with the great tan and fun-loving attitude picked out a bright shade of coral.

In that photo, my toes were about as bright as they get in that shade of purple at the very bottom. I tend to go toward the darker hues.

What does that say about me? I like to think it means I’m creative and want to push the envelope a bit. But darker colors also seem to go better with my skin tone and match my wardrobe, which is made up entirely of black, brown, green and purple, with a little blue here and there.

I am loving my new nail polish color that I picked up for $4.99 at Target. It’s called Steel-her heart by Revlon. It’s a swirly metalic shade of steely grey. Depending on the light, it can look silver, grey or purple. So, it pretty much goes with all of my clothes.

It looks awesome with dressy sandals and just as good with black flip-flops. A girl should not love a nail polish color this much. It’s just weird.

I think it might even replace My Private Jet by OPI as my favorite nail color. This one looks really dark in the bottle. But when you get in the sunlight, it has flecks in the polish that make it look purple or grey.

Don’t worry, My Private Jet. I still love you even though the salon said you are discontinued. If I could find a case, I would buy you to keep on hand for future generations.

So, what about you? Are you a spa addict or never had a pedicure? Do you feel naked without your toes painted? And what does your color say about you?

I really DO want to know!

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  1. I love the dark colors and cant wait to try steel her heart…but only on my toes. My fingernails bug me when they are painted. I try to use clear but tend to pick it off. Never been to a spa. Makes me almost want to take up Discovery Toys just so I can go to one with you some day. You know how they have holes in the table for your face? Do you think you'll be able to find one with a tummy hole for you in a few months?Have had pedicures. Wish I could get one every week.~Jenny

  2. Hey Emily… I have had a pedicure, quite liked it but don't usually go too often… not sure why either… prefer to do it myself… I too only paint my toes, can't handle seeing my fingernails painted – & I usually cut them short cuz they get in my way longer…as far as color goes, any shade of purple… that's my fav color so that's what I go with…and for the massage thing, had a couple when I was pregnant & they are totally awesome & they will use pillows to create a hole for your tummy… anyway, have a good one!Laurel

  3. I'm going to get this season's first pedi on Sunday with my mom and sisters. CAN. NOT. WAIT. I've hidden these little tootsies in shoes until now because they are in dire need of some work. I'm so excited for them to feel the fresh air come Sunday afternoon. For all they know, it's still winter. As for polish, I'm a bright color person. In the summer I go for the hot pinks and ESPECIALLY the corals, and in the winter I like RED. I tried the french pedicure thing once and that was just plain weird to me. It looks nice on others, but I felt like my toes were way too dumb to deserve that.Gosh, I wish I could pamper myself with pedis and massages weekly… maybe when I win the lottery!

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