Half-way through!

I just looked at the little pregnancy calculator widget on my Google homepage and realized that I am exactly half-way done! Isn’t that hard to believe? Today marks week 20: 140 days down, and 140 days to go.

Now that all of the nausea is over, I have felt so good that I STILL often forget I’m pregnant!

I usually wake up in the morning and go through the same groggy thought process.

“Something is different… what is it? … what is it? … I know there’s something…”

Then I feel a little flip in my tummy. This is the most amazing reminder. I’m usually starting to come out of my coma at this point, and it hits me.

“THAT was a person! THAT was the teeny tiny foot of a 10-once person who actually lives inside my body!”

I usually lay there for a few more minutes just to be sure.


“She turned over! I felt her bottom brushing against the inside of my tummy. Crazy!” I think.

And then I realize it’s not just ANY baby. It’s my daughter! It’s a little girl who will probably resemble my other children and who hears the sound of my heartbeat and knows the sound of my voice and will immediately recognize my scent as the smell of her mother!

My disbelief is compounded by the fact that my stomach STILL does not look big enough to house a baby with a beating heart, pumping lungs, kicking legs and a fully-formed head, complete with eyelashes. I might even have my doubts if I had not seen her for myself when the doctor did the ultrasound.

With all of my pregnancies, I seem to carry the baby in such a way that my stomach doesn’t stick straight out until the very end. I just sort of get thick all over. So, I get tons of comments throughout the day about how I don’t look pregnant.

And that’s fine. It’s really a compliment, and I’m thankful that it’s going so well. But it also causes me to spend a ridiculous amount of time analyzing the size of my stomach.

The movement helps ease any fears I might have. I treasure every flip, kick, turn and punch. It’s one of the rare times in life that I get to be part of a miracle. The amazing miracle of a 10-inch baby who lives inside my tummy.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139: 13-14

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  1. Good for you to be one of those people who don't look pregnant… I wish… altho being a bigger girl people likely wondered for a bit… I couldn't hide it past 3 months with either baby tho… I soo loved the moments when I started feeling them move around… truly a miracle! Enjoy it!Laurel

  2. That's how I feel most mornings, too. I am so out of it as I wake up, I almost "forget" that I'm pregnant until the baby gives me a bump or I brush my hand past my tummy. Yay…..a miracle!!!!

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