Bloggy anniversary and GIVEAWAY!

Updated: Works for Me Wednesday is having Organization Day this week! Well, my best organization tip is definitely using my planner to track everything I need to do each day, write down my meal plans, organize my cleaning schedule and set goals for my personal growth. Enter my drawing and you might win one for yourself!


Today is a big day here at everydayMOM and a day you will probably want to mark on your calendar to remember year after year.

What’s that? You don’t have next year’s calendar yet? Oh, you are in luck.

Not only is it my one-year anniversary of when I officially started blogging (oh, I know… you’re asking yourself how you made it through the day without me last year), but I also finished my 2010 everydayMOM planner! So, to celebrate, I’m having a giveaway!

And oh, there is soooo much to celebrate! Like how I learned that real bloggers should never fake their own firing. And despite my strange sense of humor, people still read my blog. And think of all of the fashion advice you have given me, especially when it comes to boots. I survived several unfortunate brushes with wildlife not to mention some close calls with the weather. And I can’t forget the whirlwind of change that hit me over the last year.

Seriously though, I really want to say a HUGE thank you to those of you who read my blog. I really didn’t expect it to last this long. And I never knew I would enjoy writing it this much. I love getting to know those of you who leave comments and have blogs of your own, but I appreciate just knowing you are out there even if you don’t leave a comment!

So, this week, I am giving away a few of my 2010 everydayMOM planners! You can enter lots of ways:

1. Just leave me a comment and tell me anything: where you live, how you found my blog, what keeps you coming back, ask me a question or just say “hello”.

2. If you have used my 2009 planner, leave me a comment about what you do or don’t like about it.

3. Subscribe to my blog (and then leave me a comment to let me know you did). Just use that button at the top right of the page.

4. Become a follower of my blog.

5. Send a friend to read my blog and have them mention your name in the comments.

6. Pre-order your 2010 everydayMOM planner (of course, if you win, you will get it for free anyway!). All pre-orders are at the discounted price of $15. If I can hand-deliver yours, you also save on shipping. If I need to mail it, the total will be $20 in the U.S. (that’s $15, plus $5 for Priority Mail) and $25 in Canada.

I will randomly draw the name of at least one winner Friday evening. If I actually start getting more than say… 10 entries, I will give away more than one!

To check out a full preview, go to my online publisher.

Here are the important details about the planner:

Each month starts with a full calendar spread so you can see the month in one glance. This section includes space to write your goals for the month and any other notes.

The rest of the planner is in a weekly format. Each day, you have space to keep track of all the things a mom does everyday:

  • Remembers (appointments, holidays, events)
  • Plans (her priorities for the day)
  • Shines (house-cleaning goals for the day)
  • Cooks (plan out your meals for the week)
  • Grows (she sets goals for her own personal growth and development in areas like reading, Bible study or exercise)

I have improved the planner by including holidays and the month name along the right-hand side so it’s easier to find your place.

The back of the planner still includes my meal chart, grocery shopping list, house-cleaning chart and ideas to add those Moments Of Meaning to the everyday.

If you need some objective reviews, click here to read what other moms had to say.

So, go ahead. Leave me a comment. You will make me feel good. And even if you already have a system to stay organized, you can always use the planner as a gift! =]


Check out more organizational tips on Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family!

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  1. I use your planner and I love it! But, since I was the winner last year, I am graciously bowing out of the running this year so that someone else can enjoy (for free) the beauty of your everydayMOM planner. I'll buy my own! It's really a great thing!:)Lynn

  2. Hey Emily… I use your Brain Book & love it so would imagine your planner would be awesome too!I love to read your blog cuz you have a cool sense of humor & our kids are of similar ages (altho I stopped at 2 & you are still going:)) I found out about your blog thru Discovery Toys… kinda by accident too but now I keep coming back!!Congrats on the 1 year blogging anniversary too!Laurel

  3. I was just looking into ordering one of your planners last week. Of course I will do it still but…I want to win so PICK ME PICK ME!I found you on a comment you left at Antique Mommy. Clicked on your tag and have been coming back ever since. You inspire me, make me laugh (imagine a bird out to get you?!?) and remind me about what is really important in life.Thanks for blogging!

  4. Emily, where would I be without your lovely, entertaining blog?! And the planner…LOVE LOVE LOVE it! And YAY for adding holidays this year!! Michele

  5. The stripes??? Ohhhh…. weren't they driving you crazy? I couldn't look at them anymore!You CAN actually enter multiple times, using all the different options that I listed! Sorry… I don't think I made that clear. =]

  6. HI! My friend Angie Webster sent me here and I LOVE the blog! We have the same name, the same # of children (I also have a girl and 2 boys), and are both preggers – when are you due? I am due Dec 17!I'd love to get in on your planner giveaway, and I'll definitely be back to read your blog! THANKS!Blessings, Emily

  7. Hey Emily,I love your blog. It cracks me up! Your planners look great. I hope I win one. The kids one looks great too. I'll have to check them out. Michelle

  8. Emily, I am a freakish about my notes and plans and would love to win a free planner. One of my favorite things to do is shop for a new planner every year and winning one would be even better! And CONGRATS!! I didn't know you were expecting, that's awesome! Hope you're feeling well.Cathy Unger

  9. For the record I like your sense of humor and that's what brings me back time and again to your blog. Seeking diligence and organization is an ongoing thing in my life. I do not come by it naturally, even though I see the huge need for it with managing a home, helping my husband with youth ministry and worship ministry and homeschooling. So winning a planner would be helpful. I do not use one yet, but I do have scattered lists, schedules and plans! Thanks for blogging-keep it coming!

  10. Hey Emily! I have yet to even SEE one of your planners, but they sound AWESOME!!! And since I have 3 children and two businesses that keep me hopping from day to day, a new planner would be divine!! (Do I get a bonus entry or two since you were the first friend I ever made in kindergarten? ;)…oh well, it was worth a shot…Oh, by the way, thanks for introducing me to Hello Kitty and sorry that I looked when you were "backwards" french-braiding Julie's hair…I failed to know at the time that some things are sacred! 🙂 Your blog, by the way is awesome…I especially like the little blocks to check…it reminds me of the notes you used to write…Oh, and one more thing….P.I.T.C.Hugs,Cindy

  11. Hi, I'm a lurker…I've been reading for awhile now and thought I had subcribed…but then realized that adding someone to your favorites is not subscribing…so I added you to my google reader. I'm a little new to the blog world and am not sure what a "google reader" is, but your in it! I look forward to more organizational inspiration to come. I need it!!!And congrats on the new baby. I'm so excited for you and hope all is well!

  12. I would love to win your calendar. I am always on the lookout for a calendar that meets my needs. You could say I'm a bit of a calendar junkie. Thanks!Kellygentzkelly at hotmail dot com

  13. I love the looks of your planners. Do you have one regular and one kid one I could look at? They look great. I'd like to see them in person though.Michelle C.

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