Farewell, Dear Summer

Now that Labor Day has passed, I’m finally willing to accept that summer is over.

I’m sure I say this every year, but it seemed like it was the best summer we’ve had!

How about you? What was the highlight of your summer?

We achieved our goals. Matthew and Alayna learned to ride their bikes without training wheels…

and they passed their swimming class…

Andrew made it through vision therapy.

We spent countless hours at the pool and riding bikes. We hiked, played at parks and had play dates.

We went to the arboretum…

and Cantigny…

and Naper Settlement…

and the zoo. We went to Pirate’s Cove…

and the Splash Park…

We went to Holiday World…

and camping…

and the beach…

and Gatlinburg.

We visited family…

Remember the awesome rope swing?

We completed projects…

This was my final project of the summer. I painted the front door. (Nevermind where my husband sanded off part of the trim so he could install a storm door.)

And, as you can see, my stomach grew!

Farewell, Dear Summer. I love you. But I’m ready for the change. Welcome, Fall! We hope you bring us lots of fun!

What is your favorite season? And what was the highlight of your summer?

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  1. Just had to say 'hey' when I saw the Holiday World photo! I live about an hour from HW and have been going there since I was about 3yo and it was still called Santa Claus Land. What a great place to visit! Looks like you had a wonderful summer. Hope you have a fabulous fall!

  2. Kind of makes you breathe a sigh of joy to see all the fun you've had over the past 90 days doesn't it? And maybe a sigh of relief that it's time for some changes and routine. At least I am.

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