That girl

The moment my daughter was born five years ago, I thought something must be terribly wrong.

“Why isn’t she crying?” I asked the nurses. I couldn’t see what was happening because I had a C-section and my view was blocked as the doctor finished the surgery.

“She’s fine,” my midwife assured me.

Nothing was wrong. She was just so easy going that she didn’t even cry the moment she was born.

Actually, I was just getting a taste of the five years to come.

This little girl is almost always happy.

The other four of us in the family often joke about how boring our lives would be without her.

She makes us laugh. She is full of love.

She’s so cute. We love to just look at her, especially when she dresses up in funny outfits.

She’s out-going. And, yes, out-spoken. She definitely likes attention.

She is fearless. A daredevil. And very athletic.

She makes friends easily.

She is full of life. Her excitement is contagious.

She is fun and funny. She is such a sweetheart.

We all look forward to the moment she wakes up in the morning and emerges from her beauty sleep. She always has something cute to tell us.

She is full of joy and spreads her happiness to all of us who are blessed enough to be around her every day!

I can’t believe my baby girl is 5!

Happy Birthday!!

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