WFMW: Little things mean a lot
All three of my children celebrate their birthdays within two months of each other, so I have been a little overwhelmed the past few weeks trying to plan parties, find the perfect gifts (on sale), and come up with ways to make them feel special.
Last week, my oldest son reminded me of some birthday traditions around here that had totally slipped my mind.
“I know we haven’t had any birthdays for a long time…” he began. (Um. Yes… it’s been a whole year since your last birthday!) “But do you think you could do that thing with the ribbons and the paper on the door?”
Ohhhhh…. He meant the streamers. I had forgotten a few of the simple things I always do on their birthdays (and my husband’s birthday). And I didn’t realize how much they meant to them.
Here are a few simple traditions around our house:
After the birthday person is sound asleep, I tape a big piece of wrapping paper to the outside of his or her door frame. The decorative part of the paper is facing the hallway. On the white side, I write a big birthday message with markers. When the child opens the door, he or she is excited to see the paper covering the door. She can either run through the paper or leave it up all day and crawl under it to get in and out.
I also try to hang streamers around the house, whether or not we are having a birthday at home.
I like to decorate that child’s chair with streamers, or in this case, with pink feather boas!
On each child’s birthday, it is his or her “day” to make all of the choices for the day. They get to decide what we will eat for lunch, where we will go for dinner and any other fun activities.
We also have a tradition of letting the birthday child open his gifts first thing in the morning. No waiting until after school or dinnertime around here!
These are simple things we do around here that make our children feel special on their birthday. It Works for Me!
So, what are your birthday traditions?
For more great tips, check out Works For Me Wednesday at We Are THAT Family!
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These are cute birthday ideas. I love the thought of the wrapping paper across their doors. Isn't it funny how sometimes we do something once or twice, and our kids then declare it's "tradition," forever and always?
Guess that means we're onto something! One thing I read about once and always wanted to try (but still haven't) is to tie small balloons or gifts on tree branches just outside the window, so the birthday child will be surprised by them. Good job to you on surviving all the celebrations.
Great ideas. I love the wrapping paper in the doorway thing. next birthday not until March… unless you count the dog who will be 12 on the 25th of this month. Hmmm. no door for him and since he can't read I guess I get to wait until March.
I love the wrapping paper over the door too! Very cool idea! Guess it'll have to wait til next spring tho for me to try… (my birthday is next so can't quite see it happening for me:))Have a great September!!Laurel
I love your ideas. The little things make the kids feel so special. We always decorate the living room on the person's actual birthday (even if there is a party another day -of if there isn't!). We also let them choose breakfast and dinner.My WFMW post: Organizing School Papers