Up close

I have been feeling like a new person the past few days.

Babycake has been giving me some four- to five-hour stretches of sleep at night. And the doctor took care of THE string, which has allowed the incision from my C-section to finally start healing.

I actually took all four children on our first outing together (without my husband to help), and we had a great day together at the mall. The kids all took turns pushing the stroller, we ate lunch at a real-live restaurant and played at the play place.

I wanted to get some professional photos taken of the four children together to mark the baby’s 6-week birthday. This one was my favorite of all four of them together:

The full body shots also turned out really cute:

I don’t normally like photos of the children looking serious. But I fell in love with these close-ups:

And, of course, Little Miss Serious herself:

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  1. Awesome pics! I thought of you today as I was driving home from Olney. For some reason, I was thinking of our senior trip to Myrtle Beach. I was wondering how we did all of that traveling without cell phones, internet or GPS!!! We made it and now here your are with four cutie-patootie kids!

  2. Lynn,I still can't believe our parents let us make that trip to Myrtle Beach! And I can't believe we all survived! Would you let your girls do that now?I don't have any excuses to go to Olney anymore now that no one in my family lives there! =[

  3. I love the picture of all four of the kiddies. Brother number one looks serious about his role of big brother. Brother number two looks as if he is thinking of all the trouble he and his baby sister will get into. Sister looks as if she is dreamily thinking about late-night giggling with her baby sister. Baby looks as if she is bored with everyone telling just how wonderful she is. But she still doesn't want them to stop!:)Lynn

  4. Such wonderful photos! You are doing SOOOO well. I took all 4 of mine to get pictures this past weekend. But, I scheduled it then so my husband could come along and help.The pictures are beautiful, by the way.

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