Blackberry or iPhone?

For the past few years, my husband has had a Blackberry for work. A few months ago, he bought me an iPhone.

We have been amazed at the differences between these two very similar communication devices.

For example, with the Blackberry, CapableDad feels like he must always be in touch. People can reach him anytime, day or night and even on the weekends. To him, the Blackberry is like a ball and chain.

With the iPhone, on the other hand, I feel like I can always be in touch. I don’t have to worry about missing a message anytime, day or night and even on the weekends. To me, the iPhone gives me great freedom.

With the Blackberry, CapableDad dreads its ringing to alert him of a phone call or the buzz of another e-mail. He feels like he has to respond immediately.

On the other hand, with the iPhone, I love the ringing to alert me of a phone call or the buzz of another e-mail. I love the fact I can respond immediately.

When we are on a trip, CapableDad can never escape knowing what is going on back at the office because of his Blackberry. He is aware of all of the latest news.

With the iPhone, when we are on a trip, I don’t ever have to wonder what is going on back home with my friends and family. I’m always aware of all of the latest news.

So, clearly, it’s plain to see that the iPhone is FAR superior to the Blackberry.

What do you think? Do you have either an iPhone or a Blackberry? Which one do you prefer? Or maybe I should ask: Are you more like CapableDad or more like me?

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  1. I have a Blackberry like CapableDad – no option for the iphone yet here (they're telling us later this year) I too like the freedom that it gives me & find it quite convenient to be able to answer emails while the kids are on the computer. Depending on where I travel, it works awesome to keep in touch. When I travel to Chicago tho, that roaming part of it will need to be turned off due to high roaming charges. Anyway, what I know of my blackberry I love. My husband on the other hand just got his blackberry so is finding it to be a pain so far but I think it's more cuz he isn't familiar enough with how to use it… we'll have to see if that changes later on or if he will be like CapableDad. I'm leaning towards that option myself but you just never know…Laurel

  2. I have the iPhone and my hubby has a blackberry. We constantly banter back and forth about which one is better. Honestly, I think it's a personal thing. As far as I know, both phones have the same basic capabillities. For me personally, I prefer the sleek chic of Apple's products. I'm a Mac, and the hubby is a PC, so it's really no surprise we're on opposite sides in the iPhone vs. Blackberry debate!

  3. re: your label "I crack myself up" – you crack me up!!I have a Blackberry and I simply love it. My 2 year contract was up and I got another Blackberry. I can imagine my house being split like your, though. My husband just got an Ipad. He's addicted to the thing. Maybe he'll get an Iphone eventually.

  4. I think it's a personal thing. As far as I know, both phones have the same basic capabilities. For me personally, I prefer the sleek chic of Apple's products. thanx for sharing.

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