Family Rules project

Like the rest of the world, I recently joined Pinterest. I have to admit, I find Pinterest to be overwhelming. I have yet to add one thing to my pin boards. 
When I go on that site, it makes me feel like I should be doing more, creating more, organizing more, cooking more, reading more. I’m already so overwhelmed with all of the things on my to-do list that I can’t focus on all of the great ideas other people have! I can only take it for a few minutes before I have to get back to work.
However, the other day, I was scrolling through and I came upon a project that immediately grabbed my attention. For several year, I have wanted to do a “Family Rules” project. I first saw the project here and then here. I really liked the idea, but the format seemed too difficult for my skill level.
Then, someone on Pinterest had the idea to create a Family Rules project using an easy-to-find photo frame and scrapbooking paper. This was totally up my alley! Not only do I love scrapbooking paper, but I really love playing with computer fonts. So this was perfect for me!
I have one wall in our dining room that is totally blank. I took down the framed artwork last year when I painted, and I never put it up again. Now that we use our dining room primarily for doing school, the framed art just seemed too formal.
When I saw this idea, it got me thinking of how I could make that wall functional and fun, yet creative and cute. I haven’t finished the piece that goes in the middle yet. It’s going to be a display area for the kids’ artwork. 
On one side I will hang the Family Rules frame and on the other side, I’m going to hang this:
It has one section for each day of the week. I can use a dry erase marker to write on the glass to give us a quick look at what is happening during the week. The photo shows what it looks like without any writing on the glass.
When I finish the middle part and hang everything I will take a photo. 
These are the rules I chose for our Family Rules frame:

Here is an up close view of the days of the week in the other frame:

OK… so now I  just have to hang everything! Hopefully, I’ll get it all done soon and can take a photo of the finished product.


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  1. I've been ignoring Pinterest invites since June for the exact same reason: seems overwhelming! THIS: "It makes me feel like I should be doing more, creating more, organizing more, cooking more, reading more. I'm already so overwhelmed with all of the things on my to-do list that I can't focus on all of the great ideas other people have!"But I DO love what you made!!! And I'm sure I'll get sucked in, b/c I'm having a hard time now resisting after the holidays. (I REEEEEEALLY just didn't want all the Christmas craft/recipe pressure! :-P)

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