Happy endings

Does anyone else feel like we JUST started the school year? And now it’s ending.
Last night, we had our fourth grader’s last spring show at school. This will be the last one for our family for a while because once the kids are in 5th grade, they move up to take part in a spring concert instead of the spring musical. Alayna got to be part of a choreographed dance routine, which was pretty awesome!
Today, the 4-year-old had her graduation from preschool. I couldn’t hold back the tears on this one. She has had such an awesome year at preschool. She was in class with two good friends from our church, which meant she got to spend three mornings a week with  her favorite people! These three are quite the little trio, and we are so thankful for their families.
Capable Dad had to go to school with the 5th grader today so he wasn’t able to attend the graduation. I thought it was pretty awesome that our 7th grader asked if he could go instead of attending a 7th grade boys’ field trip.
These two have such a special relationship. When we arrived, Jayda had told all of her teachers and friends that her brother would be coming for her special day. She asked him to flex his muscles when she walked across stage. How great is that?
The big kids finish school next week, and we are packing up our PODS this weekend, so we still have lots of happy (and emotional) endings to come!

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