Week Seven

We are finishing up a study called, “The Gospel Primer” in our Growth Group. This week, the study asked us to think of ways that we “ReCreate.” The book described the concept this way: “Take time each week to rest, play, create, and restore beauty in ways that display the gospel…” In other words, find ways to rest, relax and “keep the Sabbath.”
A few years ago, I don’t think I would have considered my daily photo project a way to “keep the Sabbath” or “ReCreate.” It might have felt more like one more item on my “to do” list. But this past year or so, that’s just what it’s become for me. I love purposefully seeking out the beauty in my everyday life. By trying to take a photo each day, I’m much more actively looking for the amazing in God’s creation. Slowing down to take my photos, then going through them to find one favorite for the day is such a great exercise. It is helping me to stop and enjoy the world around me.
So, here I go. This is what Week Seven looked like in my world!
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With four kids, they each have a special and unique relationship to each other. I love seeing these two interact! They are both the second born of their gender in the family. They are also the biggest jokesters!
FEB. 14
On Valentine’s Day, we got a wonderful snow storm! The weather this year has been so crazy. I have loved the mild winter, but it’s always fun to see the world covered in snow. I had about an hour between dropping one child at a birthday party and picking up another from a friend’s house, so I used the time to drive around and capture some beauty on my SD card.
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Our six-year-old made us this absolutely precious Valentine’s Day card. I think this one needs a frame!
FEB. 15
Our three older kids have been working hard to participate in a talent show for the youth at our church. I did NOT take these photos, but I grabbed them from one of the photographers on my team at church. Each group randomly selected a talent that their group got to perform. All of the acts fit around the theme “Freedom.”
Our oldest helped create a video. He was able to act in the video and also edit it. In addition, he was asked to be the emcee of the show. This was a ton of fun for him! He is such a natural on stage, and he really did a great job!
Our seventh grader’s group performed a dance to a rap song. They were so much fun!
Our sixth grader’s group wrote a song. One girl played the guitar and sang, another girl was the back-up singer, two girls danced on stage, and our daughter and her friend did tumbling through the audience. It was a great act!
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My final photo for the week was of this gorgeous purple and orange sunset. I’m so thankful that the days are getting warmer and the sky is getting brighter!
So, how was your week? Do you do anything to “ReCreate” during your week?

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One Comment

  1. The yin yoga class Annelise & I have been taking together on Tuesday nights is “recreating” us each week! I love that time of meditation where I can just relax & pray without distraction, and being able to hold Annelise’s hand during? PRICELESS!

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