
What I’ve learned so far in February

I was sitting at the table doing my devotional this morning, when I looked up and realized all of my materials were naturally arranged so photogenically! I didn’t even do this on purpose. They were just sitting in this configuration.
What I've learned from giving up social media and continuing the Whole 30
Of course, I had to take a photo when I was done reading. But alas, I’m not on social media this month, so I couldn’t even post it on Instagram. So, here I am, updating my blog instead, with a few facts that might normally qualify as my status update.

  1. Did you know there’s actually a name for this type of photo? It’s called a flatlay, and apparently, it’s considered an art form by some. People have Instagram accounts devoted to flatlay photography!
  2. Abstaining from social media this month hasn’t been as difficult as expected. I feel much calmer and less anxious. I do miss seeing what all of my friends are up to when we haven’t talked, but overall, this has been a very positive change for me.
  3. I love journaling in my Bible. I had pretty much gone paperless when it came to Bible reading. But I decided to reward myself for completing the Whole 30 and motivate myself for this month’s challenge by buying a journaling Bible. Since I love practicing my hand lettering and colored pens, this has been a bright spot in my day!
  4. I’ve been trying to decide what to eat since I finished Whole 30, and I thought Paleo might be a natural next step. I figured out that there are only a few differences between Whole 30 and Paleo. Whole 30 allows you to eat potatoes, Paleo does not. Paleo allows you to eat unrefined sweeteners, such as honey. Whole 30 does not. Whole 30 also guards against using foods that are Whole 30 compliant and making them into treats, like banana pancakes, pumpkin brownies, etc.
  5. So far, the only thing I’m eating that isn’t Whole 30 compliant is cream (that’s whole whipping cream!) in my decaf coffee and some milk. I’ve learned that I actually prefer drinking almond milk. Cow’s milk tastes much better, but I seem to tolerate almond milk better.
  6. I don’t want to go back to eating like I did before. I like this dietary lifestyle because I can eat as much as I want. I have a lot more solid energy and I don’t feel as heavy.
  7. I also learned this week that there is a subculture of people known as furries. My son was telling me about a girl at his school who is a furry. She wears cat ears and a tail to school everyday. I didn’t know this was a thing. Look it up if you weren’t aware.
  8. It’s really fun to see your children grow in their gifts and talents. Our 16-year-old is finishing up a video that he wrote, edited and produced for a film festival at school. It has been so fun to watch him do this all on his own! Our 7-year-old has started taking an acting class, and has decided she wants to be an actress. Our 14-year-old is growing a ton in his love for playing the drums. His band was one of only a few junior high bands asked to perform at a state conference for music educators. They are phenomenal for a group of 8th graders! I love watching all of our kids doing their thing.
  9. Women write blogs that are 100 percent focused on what outfit they wear each day. This seems ridiculous to me. And yet, I find myself wanting to read these blogs. I think I secretly want to write a blog about my outfits.
  10. See this adorable little snail on the edge of my cup? That is made to hold my tea bag. Isn’t it the cutest little thing? My friend bought it for me. Aren’t little tiny surprises from a friend the best?

Well, that’s what I’ve been learning so far this month. How about you? What have you been learning lately?

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  1. This was a nice surprise to my morning. I am always intrigued that we share a lot of the same interests. We have the same interests but you actually put them into practice. I think about hand lettering a lot. It’s actually disturbing the amount of time I spend researching it and thinking about it rather than actually doing it. Velvet Grace has a modern hand lettering class on occasion that I am hoping to attend at some point. If you have an interest it that, please let me know.

  2. I love that Whole 30 wasn’t a fad for you and actually changed the way you eat for good. I need to jump on the social media fast train with you… my bad screen habits have returned! Thanks for reminding me that life is better with less clutter!

    1. Susan, thanks for the encouragement! It’s so helpful to know that you are on a similar journey with me. I wonder if you are a moderator or an abstainer. I’m an abstainer so I have to give up social media completely for a while. It’s actually easier than trying to just reduce my consumption. The tricky part is always the reintroduction though. 🙂

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