The truth behind the beautiful moments…

If you’ve read my blog for long or if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you know that I’m obsessed with taking photos of the full moon.

I have an app on my phone that tells me the stages of the moon and the time it will rise and set each day. “That’s just WEIRD, Mom,” our 7-year-old daughter recently informed me.
On the one day of each month when the moon is perfectly full, it makes its way onto the horizon just as the sun is setting directly on the other side of the world. The sun shines a spotlight on the moon, making it look bright red or orange as it climbs over the horizon. The moon also looks exceptionally large if you can catch a glimpse of it right as it’s making its debut.

No matter how many photos I’ve taken of the full moon, I still want to go see it that one evening of the month when it’s at its fullest. For several days beforehand, I start thinking about where I might go to photograph it. I like to pick different settings to give it perspective.

But sometimes, like last night, things don’t work out as planned. 

A few weeks ago, I took a photo of the crescent moon as it was setting behind our house. Our 14-year-old son has taken an interest in photography so he was out shooting some photos, too. I saw him standing there and realized it would be the perfect time to shoot a funny perspective photo of him “holding” the moon.

This photo inspired with some other fun ideas I wanted to use last night with my daughters holding the full moon.

But, alas. The sky was super overcast. You can only see the moon at its fullest when the sky is clear, so I knew it wasn’t worth dragging them outside for a photo shoot. Instead, I headed to the grocery store.

Of course, I made sure all of my camera equipment was packed in the van, just in case. As I was coming home, the moon was glowing brightly through the clouds. I couldn’t believe how radiant it was. Even though the cloud cover was significant, the moon was shining like a beacon.

I drove to one of my favorite photography spots and pulled over. Right in front of me, I could hear a loud, “Whoo-hoooo. Whoo-hooooo.”

No way.

Perched right on the light post in front of me, sat an owl. What could be better than a photo of the full moon with an owl in front of it?

I grabbed my camera and jumped out of the van. It was pitch dark at this point, and I didn’t want to use my flash because I might scare the owl. I kept moving my ISO higher and higher to try to get my camera to be able to “see” the owl.

I fired off several shots, then ran back to my van to adjust the settings. By about my third attempt, the owl flew away, leaving me with only this super noisy, dark, grainy, unrecognizable photo.

Oh, well.

I turned to take my photo of the moon, and it was gone, too.

The clouds had completely shrouded it.

I got back in the van, and kept driving.

I was almost home when I saw the moon peeking through the clouds again. I stopped and jumped out.

I knew I didn’t have long, so I tried to grab a shot without my tripod. My ISO was too high, so I missed all of the detail on the moon. I ran back to the van so I could use the interior lights to adjust my camera settings.

Now, my ISO was lower, which meant my shutter speed also needed to be slower. I couldn’t hold my camera steady enough to get a clear shot.

I ran back to the van to get my tripod. The top piece can twist all of the way off, and this had happened last time I used it. I was scrambling to get it back together. By the time it was all set, I looked up at the moon, and it was gone.


So, this morning, I got up and walked downstairs to see two of my kids staring out the window. 

“Look at the moon!” my daughter exclaimed.

There it was. Huge and red as it was setting behind the houses on the other side of the prairie.

I ran to the van to grab my camera. I was back in about one minute. But by then, this was all that was left. Just a tiny fragment of that beautiful moon.

What’s the point of all of this?

It made me realize that this experience is really closer to real life than many of the photos I like to post. Behind every beautiful moment, you will find a dozen frustrating, blurry, sad or anger-filled moments that no one sees.

This is true in photography and life.

I decided that maybe it was good to post some of my photography bloopers for a change. Sometimes it can be refreshing just to know the true story. Life is so much more than the edited, filtered, cropped and manipulated moments that we see on social media.

And that’s OK. I still loved hearing that owl. I loved seeing the moon shining through the clouds. And the red moon setting this morning was an awesome sight.

I can only share my failed photos with the world this morning. But maybe those are the images that you needed to see. I hope they are reminders for today that every moment doesn’t have to perfect. And every image doesn’t have to be beautiful. Just enjoy what you are given.

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  1. Your cousin, Carolyn Hilk, was kind enough to forward a copy of this blog to me and I greatly enjoyed it. I take photos too, mostly of birds bu I enjoy all types of photography and I really enjoyed the passion shown in your blog. I believe there are never any bad shots because we can learn from all of them. For instance, I think you need to carry a small flashlight so you do not have to run to the car to change your settings. This is something I learned from the same kind of experiences you had.
    Thanks for the entertainment and information. I hope to keep following you.
    Tony Schreiber

    1. Thanks for your comment, Tony! It’s always good to hear from a fellow photographer! I love your suggestion about the flashlight, and the reality is that I could have just turned on the flashlight on my phone. I never think of those things when I’m in that panicky, “Oh my gosh! There’s an owl!” kind of moment! 🙂 hahaha! I usually try to go out and get everything set up so I’m not so frantic. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I love this, Emily! Very well done. I was just wondering today how to do a really honest post without saying negative or personal things about my kids or myself that would make others uncomfortable. You did such a great job of highlighting the. Wry skewed social media presentations that usually get put forth without dragging yourself or anyone through the mud. Very cool.

    1. Thanks, Jamie! It’s definitely a delicate balance to write honestly, without making people too uncomfortable. It’s especially difficult when your kids get older because you don’t want to expose too much of their family life to the world. At the same time, I don’t want people to think my whole life revolves around colorful markers and decorating my chalkboards. 🙂 Thanks for reading! Can’t wait for your next post so I can catch up with what’s happening in your world! 🙂

  3. Hi. I love that you enjoy photography so much. I enjoyed reading your “seize the day” attitude. Not all pictures are works of art but they don’t have to be. I’ve never had a great camera, wouldn’t know how to use it. But I realized when I started scrapbooking, the pictures I like best are the ones that I can say, this is how our home looked when you were small, or I loved this tree and the azaleas growing around it when we stood for Easter pictures. Memories are not just posed people but the memories they stir. By the way, your son and his date are adorable .

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