Two months

Two months ago, she came into the world at 7 pounds, 2 ounces.

One month ago, she gave us her first smile and started focusing on lights.

Today, she is two months old! She weighs 9 pounds, 14 ounces.

She tracks with her eyes. She coos. She watches intently when someone talks to her. She tries to talk back with little cat sounds.

She has slept several five-hour stretches at night.

She tries to suck her thumb. She still loves to be wrapped up tight to keep her nice and warm when she sleeps.

She has captured everyone’s heart.

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  1. Emily- she is beautiful. What a blessing she must be to your family. I imagine her older brothers and sister must must also be crazy about her.

  2. I agree with Lynn… she is beautiful! It's not hard to see why she's the center of everyone's world!Glad to hear she's sleeping longer & therefore you are sleeping longer!:) Amazing how 5 hours feels awesome after 2 months of little cat naps! Hope it continues for you!Laurel

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