The long wait

We have now lived in our house for 12 days without furniture.
We sleep on air mattresses. We sit on laundry baskets flipped upside down. We lounge on the floor to read books or watch TV. When someone invites us over, we sink into their furniture like we are in a luxury hotel. Sitting on an actual chair to eat a meal feels like an extravagance.
The irony of it all is actually quite amusing. We were supposed to close on this house on May 29. So we rushed like crazy Memorial Day weekend to get our furniture and most of our belongings packed into PODS. We had a 15-day gap between our closing at this house and the closing at the new house. We asked our buyers if we could do a rent-back, but they were anxious to move in (and we really couldn’t blame them!).
Then, paperwork got stalled on their end and each day the closing gets pushed back. Another day. Another weekend.
Today, everything was approved by the bank, and we were scrambling like crazy to empty out the food, pack up last minute stuff, do a few loads of laundry and clean everything so we could close tomorrow. However, the paperwork couldn’t be submitted in time and due to attorney schedules, we are now scheduled for Thursday. That’s Thursday, as in ONE day before we can move in to our new house. (Not 15 days! ONE day.)
Can you even believe it?!
Honestly, we have been super thankful for the extra days here. We actually feel like our extended stay is just one more way God has shown his hand in this whole move. It has made it easier to finish packing and cleaning and just prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally for the move. It also has made it easier that we haven’t had to inconvenience friends who have offered their homes for us to live in the interim.
At this point, it feels like the days are dragging on forever. We feel like squatters in our own home. We’re glad we can still be here, but we are also excited to move to the next chapter. And to sit down. 🙂

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