Week Two

I’m having a lot of fun with my daily photo project. This week, I challenged myself to take more photos of my family, as well as my usual dose of nature shots around the neighborhood.
Here’s a glimpse of what our week looked like in photos.
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We’ve had such a mild winter so far, which we are loving! On Friday, it rained all day, and I was able to snap a quick pick of little cutie with our rainbow umbrella. She’s my sunshine on a cloudy day.
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On Saturday, I got to hang out with some of the ladies from my growth group. Our hostess had this beautiful dog with one blue eye and one brown eye. I asked if I could take her pic. 🙂 I think I need a pet!
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It snowed a lot on Saturday, so it wasn’t hard to find something to photograph. I posted this scene on social media with one of my favorite passages from Proverbs 4.
“Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.”
I also took the girls and some of their friends to open gym on Sunday.
Flying through the air upside down = her favorite.
Could they be any cuter?
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The temps finally dropped down into typical winter norms. I really didn’t want to go outside on Monday, but I bundled up in my snowpants, two jackets, and my big boots and went for a walk. By the end, I was actually sweating!
The waterfall created by the beaver dam had frozen…
And with the snow falling lightly and no one else around, I thought the lake looked so peaceful…
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On Tuesday, our oldest son was reunited with one of his teammates from private school. One of his other good friends is on his high school team. It was so fun to see the three of them playing each other in a freshman basketball game.
Our son, #25, was guarded by his old teammate, #23 in the white jersey.
I love watching this kid play basketball.
I’m pretty sure he can fly.
Here are the three amigos, back together…
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It warmed up to 40 degrees on Thursday, and it felt like spring. I headed out for another walk. The pond was loaded with geese going for a swim.
Here’s what it looks like when I startle them and they all take off.
I apologize to the neighborhood for that honking sound!
Friday also was the hub’s birthday. He had to leave early that morning for a business trip, and he didn’t return until we were all asleep. I posted this photo of the two of us from our favorite trip to Utah in 1999.
Hopefully, we’ll have time to celebrate his birthday this weekend!
I hope you had a great week! What was your highlight?

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    1. Thanks, Carolyn! At our church, we recently renamed our small groups, growth groups. We get together with about 12 other people to do a Bible study and hang out every other week. We usually host and lead, but Kent was sick last week, so the women got together just to socialize. 🙂

  1. As always, I love your photos! And I have a feeling you are going to treasure these daily photos down the road as much as any, because of how they capture the essence of ordinary life and your surroundings and family as they are now.
    Someday I’m going to learn my way around a camera like that so I can do the same. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Lara! As I’m trying to make my photo book for 2015, I keep telling myself how much easier it’s going to be if I keep up with my weekly recap in 2016! So far, it’s been really fun to look back at the week.
      I would love to get together some time and give you some basic photography tips. Let me know if you’re ever up for it! 🙂

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