Week Four

I’m always kind of thankful when we’ve made it through January in the Midwest. I’m not a fan of winter, so once January ends, I feel like I can begin my countdown to spring. We got off easy this year, with our El Nino winter though. So for that, I’m thankful!
I’ve been sick the past three days so I’m backdating my photos from Week Four. Here’s what our world looked like the last full week of January!
JAN. 22
Friday nights usually mean a high school basketball game for us, which has made this winter really fun! I love watching my favorite player, #25.
JAN. 23
Every other Saturday night, we host our growth group from our church, which means we have about 14 adults and 16 kids pile into our house. I still made time to sneak out for a few minutes before everyone came to grab a shot of the full moon that was rising that evening! ๐Ÿ™‚
On the one day of the month when the moon is rising at the same time the sun is setting, I try to make sure I’m outside in a spot where I can see both at the same time. This was the view from the opposite direction of that rising moon.
JAN. 27
Our kindergartner had a big week at school. The week was called “Kindness Counts” and the school set a goal to do 100 acts of kindness. On Wednesday, they got to dress up like rock stars because “Kindness Rocks.” Here’s her outfit. She was looking fierce!
JAN. 28
This time of year, it seems like the sky is gray and overcast most of the time. A beautiful blue sky is a cause for celebration! (Throw in the moon setting, and I’m a happy girl.) ๐Ÿ™‚

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  1. Emily,
    What beautiful pictures and thoughts.
    Looking forward to seeing Andrew play basketball.
    You are such a blessing to us.
    Mom and Dad

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