so unimportant

Yea! Sarah tagged me… or did she? She tagged “anyone” named Emily, so that includes me! =] The Rules:* List Six Unimportant Things That Make You Happy* Mention and link to the person who tagged you* Tag six of your favorite bloggers to play along 1. Being included.2. Sleeping all night. (I wrote this at…

the midwife

When I was pregnant with our first child nine years ago, I assumed that anyone who had completed at least one year of medical school could probably deliver a baby. I mean you see it all the time on TV. People have babies in the subway, in taxi cabs, on the sidewalk, in the woods….

get your suits, kids! we’re going to the pool if they are open or not!

We are having the best summer EVER! The kids have been out of school for 10 days now and it has rained at least a little EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. every day. I didn’t check any meteorological reports, but I’m pretty sure it has been every day. Except the two days the kids were out of…