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A few months ago, I stumbled upon a new blog I thought was really cool. The writer was starting to home school her kids for the first time. “Ahhh, this woman is creative and has a great plan,” I thought. “I can really relate to her.” It turns out we had sooooo much in common….

I’m making a list

In most areas of my life, I prefer the digital. Digital photos. Digital scrapbooks. Electronic communication. I love it all. But to get me through the day, I can’t function without my lists. I start each morning by unloading my brain in list form of everything I need to do. And I mean everything. If…

Big families

I grew up in a family with four children, so that always seemed like the perfect family size to me. I loved all of the noise in our house. And, as the youngest, I remember how lonely I felt when my siblings all went to college and left me behind! Our family always ate dinner…